Setting time for Him

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I like so many others have fallen short in making time for personal study, personal revelation  and personal mediation. I find when my life does not have a set structure my spiritual study can take the back burner. Not so good, so my goal is to find some structure at least first thing in the morning. What better way to start your day off then with your Father in heaven.

In my attempt to follow the advice of the book, (which makes sense) how can you get closer to Him, if you do not take the proper steps by first taking the time to converse and get to know Him. Oh, how I want to be close to Him, so when He speaks to me and it doesn't take Him three attempts to get my attention as did the people in the Americas when Christ first visited, in 3 Nephi 11. How appropriate was Sunday's church lesson, how to get to know God. How can we get closer to Him? Become like Him, study His words, time to ponder His principles, listen, and pray. These are just a few ideas.

The book suggests to open your scriptures, listen to hymns or find time to mediate after prayer. I personally have decided to listen to music on low either church related or classical as I ponder my day and read my scriptures. Can I say when I follow through, I feel so much lighter. My thoughts and mood change to place that brings me peace and confidence. Which goes along with a quote from Elder Neal Anderson, "With this commitment to who we can become, the spiritual doors swing open. There is new freedom to feel and to know, a freedom to become." And that is my hope, a freedom to become.

I keep pondering this particular section of the book. Mostly likely, it is do to the fact that I have not yet gained all that I needed. But maybe tonight, I can finally move on.

I was re-watching a movie that has become very inspirational at times with me, since I read the book, "Eat, Love and Pray." I would strongly recommend this book to everyone. The author takes you on her journey to find personal fulfillment.

Tonight, as I reacquainted myself with many of the quotes from the book, I knew a few of them were talking to me. So, I wanted to take this time, to bring them to my own fulfillment as I journey towards becoming closer to my Savior.

First, I thought how appropriate for this section to talk about mediation then none other to site a meditation quote. So with that, I would like to share this quote about medication. "To meditate only you must smile. Smile with your face, smile with your mind, and good energy will come to you and clean away dirty energy. Even smile with your liver."

I particularly love this quote because it talks about your liver. Why smile from your liver? Because your live is where you keep the emotions anger and resentment. So what better way to release those toxic emotions then to concentrate on making your liver smile. I have come to the conclusion as I crawl out of the bed in the morning how much more would I get out of my prayer session/mediation then to smile from my liver.


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