What are Your Waters of Mormon?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Believing we can become more through Him...this is the key to becoming like Him.

We read in Mosiah 18 how the people came to know Christ and were baptized. The Waters of Mormon became so much more then just a place or location for baptism, but a place of heaven like qualities and opportunities. A place where deep motion and insight were felt, a place where one became their higher self. A place where one could know Christ  A time where one allowed Christ to make them more then what they could do on their own.

So the question to me is what were my Waters of Mormon? And what are yours?

My first thought...white butterflies....

I felt they were sent from Heaven

Butterflies in general are a symbol of transformation and change as well as joy and happiness. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding the symbolism being used in the parables but when I do get. I love how words don't explain the meaning of symbols to me, they are all encompassing: words, feelings, thoughts.

There was a time, I had had not felt worthy and was really hard on myself. I remember as I was pondering and walking the Dallas, temple grounds, I felt prompted to look down. There were these two angelic white butterflies. They fluttered from flower to flower, they were almost if I could hear singing, a happy tune. For that moment, I knew I was not alone. I knew without a doubt, I was worthy, loved and capable of much. There couldn't be a more perfect symbol of transformation.  Through Christ, I was worthy to be in God's house, to walk where God walks.

Another time, I remember I was in my room and I fell to my knees and began to pray fervently, pleading, crying unto the Lord to help protect my family. To later hear angels were surrounding me then, I was not alone.

The beautiful water fountain on the side of the Houston temple. Many beautiful summer nights, I sat pondering life and partaking in the spirit that dwelt there. One night I even got an unexpected answer with a serpent. God knows all, that is all I can say.

Walks on the beach. I think those moments are some of the closest times I have felt the Lord. There always life transforming. You and the moonlight and the crash of the waves. Gives me good goosebumps just thinking about it. Those moments are so refreshing , clear, and transcendental.


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